Thursday, December 15, 2016

'Tis the Season - - w/ Judson's "Old Folks"

I love my Sunday School Class of Ladies - - almost all of us in our mid-60's !   Our Ladies were asked to host the Christmas Luncheon for Judson's  - Yesterday's Youth (old Folks) - on Tuesday, Dec. 13.   There were about 75 of Judson's Senior Citizens attending the Lunch - - Three (3) of those Special People in that Group were my Sunday School Teachers from when I was a little Child - - many years ago - -  Imagine that !  (Mrs. Edna Covington - Mrs. Nelda Graham - & Mr. Flavous Galloway)   I enjoy hosting this Special Lunch so much that I take a Vacation Day from Work to participate!  I just Love Judson's Yesterday's Youth - - I just love my Sunday School Class !  - - - I just Love Christmas !

I know U are looking for pictures - - but - - they did take pictures at the Event - - but will not be put on their "Facebook Page" until mid-January......

1 comment:

  1. You should start taking pictures. You would enjoy it.


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