Friday, January 15, 2016

The Franklin Graham - Prayer Rally ! !

I'm so thankful for the opportunity afforded me to attend the Franklin Graham Prayer Tour  in Downtown Baton Rouge on Wednesday - Jan. 13th !!   The Driver of my Church Bus loaded us up in our Church Parking Lot at 11:00 AM Wednesday morning for the short drive to downtown Baton Rouge to hear Franklin Graham speak to thousands of people as he stood on the steps in the Down Town Park in Baton Rouge - - across from the Old State Capitol  - - close to Third Street.  It was a JOY to see his Staff mingle with the Crowd - - we were able to chat & catch up on news of Billy Graham & Cliff Barrows.   Yes - - my Group makes Friends quickly (as we chatted with Graham's Staff) !

Franklin Graham is on Tour across the USA to encourage all Christians to VOTE in our upcoming Elections in 2016 - - to VOTE for Christian Political Leaders !   But, Franklin also reminded us that if we walked away with one thought of inspiration from today's message - - that thought is to remember that  GOD LOVES YOU !

Several of us older folks on our Church Bus reminisced of the time many years ago in the 60's - - when Judson took a Group of us  to the Memorial Stadium in North Baton Rouge - - to hear one of the Billy Graham Crusades !  I was very Young at the time - - but I remember !  What a JOY it was to have the opportunity to hear Franklin Graham on Wednesday proclaim the Word of GOD in Baton Rouge.

Franklin Graham  in  Baton Rouge

That's the Old State Capitol - - That's my Group & I  in the back - underneath the Tree !

One of  Franklin's  Tour Buses

1 comment:

  1. Nice you got to go. Which tree are Yall standing under?


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