Monday, January 26, 2015

Weekend Challenge !

Dear Visitors !

Thank you for Visiting my "Blog" - - as you know - - - it's also been a while since I've 'visited' my Blog. 

This New Year has begun very nicely for me.   I'm excited as I begin this New Year with my family & friends - - and look forward to what the Lord has in store !

After turning 62 a few days before our New Year - - I've become challenged with the Desire in my Heart to serve the Lord greater than before.   And, from that Desire - - the Lord has already opened the doors for so many opportunities - - although small - - to serve HIM.

Just to name a few Challenges - - Beginning this Weekend

 - - - This Friday evening - my Mission Team begins making stuffed animals to take to the Children's Orphanage in Nicaragua &
 Mexico at Christmas Time this year. - - - I'm assisting in the 'stuffing' of those animals!    This is an E-Z task !  Some people are sewing - - some are making animal faces - - some are making the ribbon to go around the neck.   There's a task for everyone !
I was blessed to go on a Mission Journey to Nicaragua last year - - - It was an awesome Blessing.

- - - Then - - on Saturday - - I've actually been asked to assist with a funeral service - - Although I've assisted during family funerals in the past  - - this is the first to actually work 'behind the scenes'  - - to get the job done - -  This is actually a Memorial Service which will be held at the Nursing Home of which I'm a weekly Visitor.   My Pastor will be leading the Memorial Service.   I'll be taking care of the food items for the family & keeping it flowing.   It's truly indeed a small task, - - but nevertheless, it's a task that needs to be done.    Only for one hour of my Saturday. - -And, ofcourse, I'll get to visit my Aunt & friends that are residents of the nursing home.  Maybe I'll get to attend BINGO with them.

Then -  - - the weekend continues - - as Sunday afternoon - - I'll be joining another Mission Team - - as we go to minister to the Homeless in Baton Rouge - - we'll be providing the Love of Jesus - - thru a Worship Service - - Giving Away of Clothes - - & Giving Nutritional Meal.    You've heard of the place - - "Under the Bridge".

I so look forward to this Weekend !

Ephesians 5:2 - - And, walk in LOVE - - - - - -


  1. Amazing opportunities!! Go in love and safety.

  2. And you know the animal project would be right up my alley.


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