Monday, August 6, 2018

Lunch w/Real-Life Missionaries !

U may have noticed I'm trying to break-away from Blogging - -

But - I'm truly enjoying my Current Season of  Life - - and wish to share what I participated in on yesterday.

Judson's 'Women on Mission' - - hosted Lunch for A Missionary Couple - with 4 children - that have been called to Serve in Asia - - but are on Mission Furlough and currently residing in Judson's Mission House - some of you will remember that little house as Judson's First Parsonage that housed Bro. & Mrs. Magee.  It's a small House - but serves it's Purpose.

Well, our "Women on Mission" hosted Lunch for this Missionary Couple - - and invited the Church Staff and a few other special people to total about 75 for Lunch.   Menu included John's Delicious Fried Chicken - - Baked Beans - Macaroni & Cheese for the Kiddo's - Smothered Corn - and Potato Salad & Green Salad - - I brought Potato Salad which was ordered directly from John's Grocery.  We had a variety of Delicious Desserts.  - - Asia does not have Southern-Fried Chicken from John's !

It was a lot of effort - - we even had to set up the Tables - - and take them down - but it was such a Spirit of Unity - and Fellowship - It was truly a Blessing !    I love my "Women on Mission".

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