Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The month of December means Celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ.   And, for "W.O.M."  it means a new person assigned to the Missionary Prayer Calendar for W.O.M. - that person is me!    I must admit (since it's my first time) I was very pleased to know that due to our December Holidays, I will only be preparing for 2 Sundays.   I plan to attach the Candy Cane Poem (printed below) and the name of each missionary to the ribbon of each candy cane.  Ofcourse, the ribbon will be of  Christmas design.   This is low budget - as I can do everything on the computer - - and then buy a bag of large candy canes and I'm certain there's some Christmas ribbon neatly tucked away in all my Christmas parafanalia !  
The Christmas Candy Cane Poem:
Look at the  candy cane!
What do you see ?
Stripes that are red
Like the Blood shed for me.
White is for my Saviour
who is sinless and pure!
"J" is for Jesus My Lord
Turn the candy cane around -
and a staff you will see
Jesus my Shephered
was born for me.

For the 2nd Sunday - I plan to use clip art of a Christmas Shining Star above 'the world' (a globe) with manger scene clipart - and type the missionary name and location.  Actually, this will identify with Lottie Moon Christmas Offering week - 

Remember to pray for the many missionaries across not only our nation - but the entire world. 

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