Friday, April 17, 2009


While strolling thru my yard during 'day light savings time' - I suddenly noticed these beautiful colored flowers. Finally !!

The rose bushes are from a family cutting - you can see the vibrant rose petals - I must admit my yard is coping with another rosebush cutting I got from the neighborhood deli - it has not decided exactly what it plans to do !

The Lantana bushes are showing potential to become very vibrant in both the purple and the yellowbushes:- which are both several years old.

There are a few otherflowers that are contributing to the color in my yard. One of those is the pink clover - that surrounds two of my tree trunks - really pretty - - This came from my maw-maw's yard; whch I have reason to believve actually originated from the yard of her Mother-in-Law. - many many years ago.
Then, there's Joe Pye which I received a cutting from another relative. It's showing potential - - Not many people like Joe Pye but I'm attracted to it. I look forward to having this grow in my yard - - People refer to it as a 'weed' - - but it's actually a beautiful plant that multiplies. I hope to have pix soon.
Remember my Thankful List from the other day - (if you missed it - you can scroll down and read it ) - - Well, today I'm thankful for this rain we are receiving tonight -- it will truly help bring more color to my yard.

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