Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Yes - - This is My Refrigerator !

A 'blogger' that I follow - - challenged her visitors to take pix of the top of their refrigerator and post on their blog. - - - but you can not 'cheat' before taking the picture :) - - You must take the pix "as is".

Not too much to say about my refrig ! - -- And, some of you realize I do not use mine very often ! ! But, nevertheless, we all need a refrig. The little magnets attached to the freezer door - - are special and each have a story - - - One magnet says: "Friends Warm the Heart" - - This is so very true. There are 2 pix - - The Cross on the right hand side was made by a couple that I went on a Mission Trip with. (They made a lot of those !) And, lastly, the little gingerbread man on my door keeps me from eating foods not on my diet !

The very top of my refrig is 'interesting' - to the left you'll see what resembles a cat - - - but it's not a cat - - it's a raccoon - - - made by my elderly uncle. And, the cute and useful basket was given to me by a relative - I really like the basket!

So - - here's the challenge to you - - - Show us the top of your refrigerator ! Remember - no cheating ! -- - You must take the pix exactly as is - ! The top of your refrigerator (and the door) perhaps reveal your personality.

I'll be looking for your refrig pix !

1 comment:

  1. Thats a racoon? Really?! I always thought it was a cat.


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